CollegeBound Journey's Native American College Scholarships Search

With over 750 Native-specific scholarships, tuition waivers, in-state tuition offers, and state grant opportunities, CollegeBound Journey has the most comprehensive Native American college scholarships search database available.
Continue reading to learn how our platform places Native American cultural consideration at the center of college planning.

Current Economic Trends and
Native American Families...
1 in 3
Native Americans are living in poverty (American Community Survey).
is the overall unemployment rate for American Indians/Alaska Natives, as compared to 3.7 percent for non-Hispanic whites (Office of Minority Health Resource Center).
of Native American students require some type of financial aid to support college attendance (Postsecondary National Policy Institute).
How CollegeBound Journey is Culturally Responsive Different Equitable .
We have the ONLY Native American college scholarships search that matches opportunities for students based on Tribal affiliation, enrollment status, descendancy, or self-identification.
About CollegeBound Journey's
Native American College Scholarships Search
Targeted Scholarship Search
With over 1.5 million scholarships available to college students, finding ones that apply only to Native American students can be challenging.
Our Native American college scholarships database includes the following financial aid opportunities:
Watch this video to learn more…

Scholarship Matches
Upon completion of our Native American college scholarships search, users will receive a list of matching opportunities. Within these each match, users can view the following information:
- Tribal or Residency Requirement (if applicable)
- Program of Study/Major Requirement (if applicable)
- School Type
- Deadline
- Award Amount
- Notes
- Website for Details
- Option to "Save" to Account for Future Reference
Watch a Video on Using the Native American College Scholarships Search
Check out on how a scholarship search is completed within CollegeBound Journey.
While many scholarship searches offer an option to “check” Native American, the situation is more complex. Because of federal status, enrollment requirements, blood quantum, and incomplete record keeping, Native American status is not always as simple as checking one box.
Our database permits students to filter through scholarships based on options like Tribal affiliation, enrollment status, descendancy, and self identification. Because of this filter option, students can easily find scholarships that meet their personal identity status.
Our consultants have extensive experience within the field of Native American college planning and have accumulated hundreds of scholarship opportunities.
We update the database as new information becomes known. Additionally, we review every entry within the database by January of each year. This ensures that links and deadlines are accurate for the platform users.
At this time, we have restricted our scholarship selections to opportunities available to students beginning their freshman year; however, many of the scholarships can be used at the sophomore, junior, or senior year as well. At this time the scholarship database only contains scholarship opportunities available within the United States.
Become a Partner with CollegeBound Journey™. Join a growing network of educators, schools, and consultants dedicated to empowering Native American students. As a partner, you’ll gain access to exclusive resources, culturally responsive tools, and a supportive community that helps students navigate their college journey. Together, we can make college planning more accessible, equitable, and culturally fitting for Native American youth.
Ready to get started? Sign up now to make a difference today!