
Our students have dreams...
...together, we can support them.

Supportive College Planning Resources for Native American Families

Navigating College Planning as a Family

Native American families…many are paving the way for their children to become the first in their family to attend college. As a Circle of Support, it’s our responsibility to support our youth in identifying colleges that embrace and respect our unique culture.

Most high schools college planning tools overlook essential factors like community building, cultural majors, language acquisition, Elders and kinship, and cultural practices/ ceremonies in the college planning process. It is crucial for students to feel a cultural connection to the campus in order to have a positive and successful experience.

CollegeBound Journey™ helps Native American families identify culturally supportive resources to guide them through the college planning process.

CBJ Native American Family visiting a college together

How CollegeBound Journey is Different. Equitable. Cultural. Responsive. Unique.

How CollegeBound Journey™
Platform Supports Native American Families

Our platform is the only one of its kind designed to assist Native American families in finding culturally sensitive colleges, scholarships based on Native status, and pre-college programs that help Native teens prepare for college.

Native American Family Visiting College

Link Native Youth To Colleges

Assisting Native American families in finding culturally-sensitive college choices is at the core of our trademark platform.

The CollegeBound Journey™  College Search filters align with the recommendations described within The American Indian College Fund’s Creating Visibility and Healthy Learning Environments for Native Americans in Higher Education and the Native American College Student Transition Theory.

The CollegeBound Journey™ – College Search filters includes:

Ease Financial Barriers for Native American Families

Paying for college can pose a significant challenge for Native American families. To help ease this burden, CollegeBound Journey™ offers the Native American College Scholarships Database, which provides a comprehensive list of possible funding options to support the cost of college.

Scholarships included in the CollegeBound Journey™ database:

Enrichment Programs for Native American Students

Enrichment programs offer valuable experiences to students, which is especially true for Native American students. Pre-college programs, for instance, provide a safe environment where students can get a glimpse of college life and picture themselves attending college in the future. Similarly, culture and career camps allow students to learn as a community with cultural mentors.

Native American families can use CollegeBound Journey™ find these types of experiences.

CollegeBound Journey™ Pre-College & Enrichment Program Database includes:

Considerations for Acquiring Funding:

CollegeBound Journey Options

Base option for schools and college programs is 25 user accounts, which includes one administration user. Additional accounts are available for an extra cost.

Family option is for one account. Additional accounts are available for an extra cost.
Total Cost: $40.00

If you have any questions please email us at [email protected]. Thank you!