Culturally Responsive Counseling – School Counselors

Our students have dreams...
...together, we can support them.

Provide Culturally Responsive Counseling
in the College Planning Process

Culturally responsive counseling recognizes and builds upon students' cultural strengths to foster success. Through this approach, school counselors can provide Native American students with access to colleges that align with their cultural identity and offer resources to support enrollment and graduation. This strategy ensures that counseling services are inclusive and impactful, promoting equity in education.

Advance Equity and College Access with Culturally Responsive Counseling

School counselors are essential for our Native youth’s CollegeBound Journey™.  According to the National Center for Educational Statistics’ The Condition of Education Report 2020, Native American students are enrolling in college at rates far below their peers. We need allies who are committed to change these numbers.

Popular college tools used by most school systems exclude cultural aspects important to our Native students in the college search process. Cultural identity consideration is an essential factor on this journey; therefore, it is essential that culturally responsive counseling tools and resources are utilized.

CollegeBound Journey™ supports school counselor allies in guiding Native youth towards discovering culturally-supportive colleges and resources.  Using tools like CollegeBound Journey™ can provide school counselors with an equitable college planning resource to navigate Native youth on their college planning journey.

How CollegeBound Journey is Different. Equitable. Cultural. Responsive. Unique.

CollegeBound Journey™ Platform Overview

The College Search

Our trademark college search supports Native youth to identify culturally, supportive college options.  The CollegeBound Journey™ – College Search filters align with the recommendations described within The American Indian College Fund’s Creating Visibility and Healthy Learning Environments for Native Americans in Higher Education and the Native American College Student Transition Theory.
The CollegeBound Journey™ – College Search filters includes:

The Scholarship Database

Paying for college is can be a major barrier for our Native American families. The CollegeBound Journey™ Native American College Scholarships Database assists students to identify possible avenues of funding to support their education.
Scholarships included in the CollegeBound Journey™ database:
Main Pre College Search

The Enrichment Program Search

Enrichment programs provide our students with valuable experiences.  Pre-college programs allow students to experience college in a safe space with other Native American students and to visualize themselves attending college in the future.   Other enrichment opportunities, like culture and career camps, allow student to learn as a community with cultural mentors.This database contains Native American specific enrichment and pre-college experiences.
CollegeBound Journey™ Pre-College & Enrichment Program Database includes:

Additional Feature for Schools and
School Counselors to Provide Culturally Responsive Counseling

The "Curriculum"

Resources have been created to support school counselors, educators, and youth service workers to use the CollegeBound Journey™ platform with Native American youth.

Curriculum and lesson plans are included for FREE with a paid school or program bundled subscription plan.  Click here for more information.

Example resources include:

Become a Partner with CollegeBound Journey™ Join a growing network of educators, schools, and consultants dedicated to empowering Native American students. 

As a partner, you’ll gain access to exclusive resources, culturally responsive tools, and a supportive community that helps students navigate their college journey. Together, we can make college planning more accessible, equitable, and culturally fitting for Native American youth.

Ready to get started? Sign up now to make a difference today!