Pre-college programs offer Native American youth the chance to explore college life in a secure and supportive atmosphere. These programs promote cultural identity development, community networking, and skill-building opportunities.

CollegeBound Journey's Pre College Program and Enrichment Search

CollegeBound Journeys banner for pre college program search feature.

Cultural Resiliency is Supported by

Integrating traditional language, values, and ways into one’s daily life.

Find out how the Native OKStars Summer Research Program culture and STEM to promote a college mindset.

Influential connection to Native community, including Elders and mentors.

Learn how Dartmouth’s Indigenous Fly-In (IFI) connects Native youth to mentors for college preparation.

Strong sense of identity, accountability, and responsibility.

Discover how NAU’s Nizhoni Academy supports Native youth to reach for high expectations and college.

How CollegeBound Journey is Culturally Responsive Different Equitable .

We have the ONLY pre college program and enrichment search that prepares Native American students for college.

About CollegeBound Journey's Pre-College Program & Enrichment Search

Preparing for College 
Kinship is an important concept within many Native cultures.  Enrichment programs connect Native youth to positive mentors.  These mentors can be key to supporting youth with future planning.

Additionally, many Native youth have not had an opportunity to explore beyond their local community.  Programs are available to provide youth an opportunity to experience both campus life and cultural enrichment.

CollegeBound Journey’s Pre College Program Search supports Native youth to link to pre college and enrichment programs, including:

Watch this video to learn more…

Program Matches
Upon completion of a pre college program search, users will receive a list of matching options.  Within these each matches, users can view the following information:

Watch a Demo on Using the Pre College Program Search

Interested in knowing more?

Check out these step-by-step videos on how a pre college program search is completed within
CollegeBound Journey.


All of the pre-college and cultural programs within our platform are located within the United States.  Some are offered directly through colleges, others through specific Tribes, and still others through specific Native programs.

We update  information throughout the year as new information becomes available.  We review every pre-college and summer opportunity in our database by March of each year.

These experiences are continuously adjusting their programming based on student needs and available funding.  CollegeBound Journey strives to provide up-to-date information.  Please refer to our Disclaimer page.  We invite program notifications and edits on our Contact page.

Many of the programs and opportunities rely heavily on external funding.  If the funding is no longer available, the program usually concludes.  If this is the case, we will remove the opportunity from the database.

High school age group: 14  – 18 year-olds.

Ready to Invest in Native Youth?

Start guiding Native youth on their college bound journey through culturally responsive practices.

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